Fiorella Superbi Gioffredi - Born at I Tatti and later Curator of the Fototeca and the Berenson Collection
Fiorella was born in what is now called the ‘Gioffredi House’ at Villa I Tatti, her father was Geremia Gioffredi, Berenson’s estate manager. Fiorella and her family remained at the Villa throughout the Second World War. When Berenson had to go into hiding, Geremia more than anyone protected and sustained I Tatti. Fiorella first started taking guests on tours of the Villa as a teenager in the late 1940s, and then worked in the Fototeca with Nicky Mariano helping Bernard Berenson with his research and publications. Fiorella went on to become the Curator of the Fototeca and later Curator of the Berenson Art Collections and Archives, she retired in 2009.
A child at I Tatti in the 30's: singing Giovenezza for Mary Berenson and getting a toy from BB
The atmosphere at I Tatti as the war got closer
Post-war life at I Tatti
Working in the Library for BB amidst books and bad tempers
BB's death and funeral
Lean times and other challenges for the Murdocks
Busy with visitors and helping BB avoid them
Nicky in the Villa and Nicky and Mary