Home > Stories > Remembering Berenson > Nicky Mariano

Nicky Mariano came to work at the library at I Tatti after the First World War. She soon became an integral part of the Berenson household, devoted to BB, and in many ways taking over from Mary Berenson after her death in 1945. Those who knew Nicky in the 1950’s are consistent in their description of what people thought: "Everyone loved her.”


William Mostyn Owen

BB and Nicky

Fiorella Superbi Gioffredi

Nicky in the Villa and Nicky and Mary

Michael Rinehart

Nicky's role in BB's work

Nelda Cantarella Ferace

Nicky and the new Center; her graciousness "a symphonic work"

Walter Kaiser

Taking care of everyone and beloved by everyone

John Gilmore

Two sisters, Nicky and Alda, and lending out BB's tux

John Walker
(as told by Gillian Walker)

Nicky's friendship, her sadness and her voice

Next: The Berenson Library
